2012.01.14 - Feature(#258) - Make the multiCell Class independent from FPDF - no need to extend FPDF class anymore, the fpdf object will be passed as a parameter to the multicell class - class names, filenames and functions are changed 2011.07.01 - Bug Fix: on page break the Start X was not maintained. 2009.07.18 - max tag length set to 25 characters - BUG correction: 0 in tag name not working 2007.01.21 - added left, top, right and bottom padding to the multiCell Functions 2006.09.18 - added YPOS parameter to the tab for super/subscript posibility. ypos = '-1' means the relative position to the normal Y. 2006.07.30 - added Paragraph Support(a sort of) - paragraphs can be specified with size='integer value' and PARAGRAPH_STRING character 2006.05.18 - removed the NBLines functions - added stringToLines function - modified multiCell to accept as data parameter an array type like the return from stringToLines function - these modifications does not affect the main class behavior, they are used for further developement and class extensions